Monday, December 3, 2012

You can succeed in school if you will......

You can succeed in school if you will 
part 3 

As Quansheeba Kennedy review her DCCC transcript in preparation to transfer to Salem college, she can hardly believe she has a 3.3. grade point average and that she was accepted into the prestigious private college with a selective admission polic

It took two false start before the 22- year old Thomas Villere sident found her true calling elementary education , and more importantly before she found and reaffirmed the value of her self t. she thought back to when she was only 18 year old but felt overwhelmed by life she had just graduated from high school when she was in a serious car accident .
"I almost killed myself, not by drinking and driving, not by partying, but because i was living a life that was overwhelming, "she said , one must work hard but not waist time. Goofing off during school is a killer. It kills your achievements and your chances for outstanding success now and later. 

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