Friday, January 11, 2013

You can succeed everyday

You can succeed everyday
Part 2

 My strategies for written assignments: I try to outline before I write because otherwise I forget what I am supposed to be talking about. I try not to leave them until the last minute because then I will just goof up the work. A lot of times I just write what I feel. Teachers like your opinion and if you can find something from the reading or research that relates specifically to your life, they like it even more because it allows you to take ownerships of your work. I write things that I want others to read: not that I have to write because the teachers said so.
How I succeed in team projects: personally, I do not like working on group projects, especially ones that I worked on in high school. However, when it is requires working in a group, usually I try to lead. I like talking the lead because then I know that my grade will be a good grade one. I do well in school, I always have and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon, so when I need to work with people who maybe don’t care as much as I do, or they have time to waste on things other than the project, I try to be in charge, that way I know that things are going to get done on time and that I am going to get a good grade. If I am working in a group of people who all want to work then it is a differences story.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

You can succeed every day....

You can succeed every day
Part 1

My overall study method: I break up studying over several days and over the course of the evening and days. Cramming never works for me so I try and to do it. I will have longer sessions on nights before big tests, but I never stay up much later than normal before tests. I know that if I take the test tired the next day I will not so as well if I was reset.

How I’ve overcome on initial bad grade: I usually look over the test or paper to see what I did that teacher did not want. Basically, I don’t stress out about grades that much because for me they are not worth getting really upset about. I do get a bad grade, or one lower than I expected, I make sure that the next time a test is coming I study even more so that I won’t be surprise by the questions.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Student Success Statement...........

Student Success Statement 

"I' shall pass through this life but once, any good therefore that I i can do, or any kindness I can show, let me do it now not defer or neglect it, for I shall never pass this way again."

Effective Study Methods .......

Effective Study Methods
Part 3

How I feel with multiple project tests: When I have more than one test or projects, I break up my studying. I will study for one test for 30 minutes or so and then switch to the other one. If these are some parts of project that I know will not take me very long I will do it when I don’t have much time. If I am really in a crunch for time on a specific day, I will study for one test in the morning and the other one in the afternoon or night. By breaking up the studying into different sections, I feel like I get much more done. Crams sessions do not work for me. I need to study for a shorter period of time more often for it to sink in.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Effective study methods......

Effective Study Methods
Part 2

My time management secret: my secret is to use time wisely. I know that on certain days I do not have time to run errand to hang out with friends even. Each minute of each day is used for something one thing that works really well for me is to write everything down. I mean everything. I write down if I am going to email people, write letters or study, it works for me to have a planner that goes by the day and shows me what I am going to be doing every day. Knowing what I have to do every day helps me plan out my week and my days. If I know that I don’t have time on Tuesday, I will try to get more things done on Mondays or Sundays. I plan ahead, especially if I am going to be on the road of volleyball. When I am on the road, I bring my books and read on the bus plane hotel room. Missing class is a killer to make up from, but if you are upfront with your professors they usually nice about having to turn things in late or not being in classes.

Effective Study Methods....

Effective Study Methods
Part 1
My test study method: When it comes time to study for the test, I usually start 2-3 days before the test. I go through my notes and make flashcards on what I important for those sections, paying special attention to what the teacher said would be on the test if there was a review session. Also, I go through the book and read the inset stories and add to my flashcards. If there are practice problems or online assignments or old tests, I use those to help me study for the test as well. Once the test is over, I keep the flashcards so that I have them for the next test or for the final. Flashcards are a marvelous learning tool. The key to remembering something is to repeat it numerous times-spaced rehearsal. If you forgot something, it is because you haven’t repeated it enough times for an extended period of time. Repetition is a law of learning; therefore to learn and remember, to recall, it is mandatory that you repeat over and over the things you desire to learn and remember. You may be thinking, “oh no, repeating something.” You need to get used to it. For example, the more you practice a song on the piano, the better you become at playing that song. Learning and remembering is like playing the piano the more you practice saying or doing it the better you can remember it. Look now at what you remember. You remember it because you have repeated it numerous times since first being exposed to it. So, practice rehearsing those things you desire to remember, and they will stick with you.